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Branson DeCou Stock…Shift+ key to open Branson DeCou Stock ImagesFlorence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi) - Knife-Grinder, or Scythian, Roman marble replica of 3rd-century B.C. Gr

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  4. Dimension: 799×747 px
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  7. Uploaded: 12 years ago
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Picture file link: Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi) - Knife-Grinder, or Scythian, Roman marble replica of 3rd-century B.C. Gr (image/jpeg) - hotlinking allowed.
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#3rd #Florence #Palazzo #Century #Roman #Replica #Knife #Galleria Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi) - Knife-Grinder, or Scythian, Roman marble replica of 3rd-century B.C. Gr Pic. (Image of album Branson DeCou Stock Images))