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Albums tagged #bestphotos (11): National Ge…2643 My r/EARTHP…5323 Beautiful p…1071 My r/MILDLY…4375 Desktopogra…325 (+6 more)
 Pict. [Earthporn] Winter Night Sky over The Mt Rose - Sheep Flat meadow last night, with Carson down to the left and Lake Tahoe peakin (#Nature #Photo #Wallpaper #Night #Lake #Flat #Sheep #Tahoe #Meadow #Bestphotos #Carson)Pict. 3000×1928 px

391k pts. 1 likes 51 saves

Tags: bestphotos, carson, flat, lake, left, meadow, nature, night, photo, rose, sheep, sky, stars, tahoe, wallpaper, winter (Pict. in My r/EARTHPORN favs)
 Pict. (#Nature #Photo #Wallpaper #Lake #Trees #Clouds #Woods #Fields #Bestphotos)Pict. 900×600 px

343k pts. 0 likes 10 saves

Tags: architecture, bestphotos, clouds, fields, forest, lake, mountains, nature, photo, snow, trees, wallpaper, woods (Pict. in My r/EARTHPORN favs)
 Pict. (#Pretty #Beautiful #Lake #Wide #1920x1080 #Architecture #Woods #Fields #Bestphotos)Pict. 1600×1200 px

342k pts. 0 likes 3 saves

Tags: 1920x1080, architecture, beautiful, bestphotos, fields, forest, lake, pretty, river, sea, snow, wallpapers, wide, woods (Pict. in My r/EARTHPORN favs)
 Pict. [Earthporn] The Cacti in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada [12892x5677] (#Nature #Photo #Wallpaper #Beautiful #Desert #Sand #Nevada #Bestphotos #Cacti)Pict. 3686×1624 px

342k pts. 0 likes 24 saves

Tags: beautiful, bestphotos, cacti, canyon, desert, nature, nevada, photo, red, rock, sand, sky, wallpaper (Pict. in My r/EARTHPORN favs)
 Pict. [Earthporn] Montauk, NY [8598x1729] (#Nature #Photo #Lake #Bestphotos)Pict. 6878×1383 px

339k pts. 0 likes 9 saves

Tags: bestphotos, lake, nature, photo (Pict. in My r/EARTHPORN favs)
 Pict. [Pics] Rolling Fog in Ukrainian Town (#Nature #Photo #Wallpaper #Beautiful #Nice #Fields #Ukrainian #Rolling #Cloudy #Bestphotos)Pict. 2000×1463 px

13k pts. 0 likes 24 saves

Tags: beautiful, bestphotos, cloudy, europe, fields, fog, nature, nice, photo, rolling, town, ukraine, ukrainian, wallpaper, wide (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)